Component of Large Gel Drying Kit for drying PAGE gels
Stains and solutions can be changed without having to handle the gel
For use with Large Gel Drying Kit
For use with DryEase™ Mini-Gel Drying System
For use during imaging of blotting membranes following chemiluminescent signal development (western blotting, nucleic acid blotting).
Convenient, disposable trays
Use the frames and pre-cut cellophane that come in Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ Gel-Drying Supplies with Owl™ Gel-Drying Kits.
Preserve protein gels easily and economically while eliminating distortion problems common in other drying procedures with these gel-drying kits.
Component of DryEase Mini-Gel Drying System
Accommodate larger format gels or four mini-gels
Accessory for use with Ettan DALTtwelve Gel Caster.