Western Blotting Substrates

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate

Ultra-sensitive enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) HRP substrate for low-femtogram-level detection by Western blot analysis.

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ DAB Substrate Kit

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ DAB Substrate Kit

Chromogenic horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrate for Western blot and tissue staining methods.

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Dura Extended Duration Substrate

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Dura Extended Duration Substrate

Luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrate ideal for quantitative western blotting with stable light output for mid-femtogram level detection for western blot analysis.

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL™ Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL™ Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent

Enables the use of highly diluted primary and secondary antibodies without reducing sensitivity.  Cytiva Lifescience™ Amersham™ ECL™ Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent produces high signal intensity and sensitivity.

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate

Acridan-based chemiluminescent and chemifluorescent HRP substrate for Western blot detection using X-ray film or CCD- or laser-based imagers.

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ TMB-Blotting Substrate Solution

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ TMB-Blotting Substrate Solution

Ready-to-use blue TMB peroxidase (HRP) substrate specially formulated for chromogenic detection in Western blot and IHC experiments.

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagents

Cytiva Amersham™ ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagents

Use for all routine Western blotting. Cytiva Life Sciences™ Amersham™ ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagents are the world’s first commercially available chemiluminescent detection reagents and still one of the most widely used.

Merck Immobilon™ Block Noise Canceling Reagents

Merck Immobilon™ Block Noise Canceling Reagents

Minimize background in Western blots, increasing sensitivity for superior detection of even low-abundance proteins

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ CN/DAB Substrate Kit

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ CN/DAB Substrate Kit

Combines chloronaphthol- and diaminobenzidine-based HRP detection for Western blot and tissue staining methods.

Thermo Scientific™ NBT Substrate Powder (nitro-blue tetrazolium chloride)

Thermo Scientific™ NBT Substrate Powder (nitro-blue tetrazolium chloride)

Powders and ready-made nitro-blue tetrazolium and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3'-indolyphosphate solutions for chromogenic detection of alkaline phosphatase probes.

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ NBT/BCIP Substrate Solution

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ NBT/BCIP Substrate Solution

Powders and ready-made nitro-blue tetrazolium and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3'-indolyphosphate solutions for chromogenic detection of alkaline phosphatase probes.

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ NBT/BCIP plus Suppressor Substrate Solution

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ NBT/BCIP plus Suppressor Substrate Solution

Powders and ready-made nitro-blue tetrazolium and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3'-indolyphosphate solutions for chromogenic detection of alkaline phosphatase probes.

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ ECL Western Blotting Substrate

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ ECL Western Blotting Substrate

Value-priced, entry-level peroxidase substrate for enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) that directly replaces costlier products without the need to re-optimize conditions.

Thermo Scientific™ BCIP Substrate Powder (5-bromo-4-chloro-3'-indolylphosphate p-toluidine)

Thermo Scientific™ BCIP Substrate Powder (5-bromo-4-chloro-3'-indolylphosphate p-toluidine)

Powders and ready-made nitro-blue tetrazolium and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3'-indolylphosphate solutions for chromogenic detection of alkaline phosphatase probes.

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ Ultra TMB-Blotting Solution

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ Ultra TMB-Blotting Solution

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step Ultra TMB-Blotting Solution is an enhanced single-component horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrate for Western blotting and immunohistochemistry.

Merck Luminata™ Western HRP Chemiluminescence Substrates

Merck Luminata™ Western HRP Chemiluminescence Substrates

Premixed, ready-to-use chemiluminescent reagents for detection of HRP-based Westerns
